I'm using the following code to save file as csv.
Dec 09, 2015 Hey Chromies, Have you run into issues where Chrome will not download a file and you saw an error message that said “failed network error”, “download failed.
The file is working on most of the cases but for some reason when the file is larger than 10MB i get 'Failed - Network Error'.
It happens only on chrome.
I tried to search the web for this issue and couldn't find anything relevant.
Can you think of an idea why does it happens? or maybe use a different save file method that will work on chrome/firefox/IE instead of my function?
1 Answer
I was finally used this one, hope it can help the next one encounter this issue:

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I have a very simple script for downloading a pdf:
This works fine for files smaller than 10mb
. But anything over that I get an error and the download fails. Have tried in a number of browsers and get similar results. In all cases the download fails.
Chrome: Failed: Network error
Unable To Download Chrome On Windows 10
Firefox: [filename].pdf.part could not be saved, because the source file could not be read.
Opera: Interrupted: Network error
IE (10): [filename].pdf couldn't be downloaded.

I know the filepaths are correct, or else it wouldn't work with files smaller than 5mb.
Reading the php docs (http://php.net/manual/en/function.readfile.php) on readfile
some have suggested disabling output_buffering
(currently set to 4096
in php.ini) before calling readfile
. I have yet to try this but I'm not convinced it is the solution.
Failed Network Error Download Chrome
is disabled. I am not seeing any errors in my logs. I am also not seeing any errors in the network pane in Chrome inspector.
I have tried downloading with chunks but get the same result. I have researched similar answers but all seem to be browser specific, i.e. working in some browsers but not others.
1 Answer
Maybe you use pausing or something like this and you target file is locking.
It is possible that your security software is scanning and locking the file, which may still be in the system temporary folder after you pause the download.